Mom keeps misplacing her keys and dad needs to ask you the same question three or four times before the answer seems to sink in. Is this the beginning of dementia or just a normal part of the changes that come with aging? Here are 5 signs to watch for to get a sense of whether you should be concerned.
1. Forgetfulness. We can all be forgetful from time to time, but it doesn’t mean we’re developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. It’s normal for mom or dad to forget someone’s name if they don’t see them that often or to misplace the TV remote. The key to knowing whether or not it’s dementia is the severity. Knowing how your loved one usually acts, does the forgetfulness seem unusual? For example, few of us would forget about a conversation that happened just 15 minutes ago. Another thing to keep in mind is that those in the early stages of dementia have trouble with short-term memory. If mom can’t seem to keep new information in her head, that may be a sign.
2. Lack of focus. Does dad forget where he is or is he taking longer to do familiar tasks? That may be a sign of dementia, as is having trouble with time and place in general. Look out for confusion between the past and the present, not understanding how time is passing and being unable to explain how they got somewhere.
3. Misplacing things. Just as with being forgetful, we all sometimes put something down and then lose it. However, a person with dementia will be unable to think back through their day to where they may have lost the object. They may also put things in unusual places: for example, mom’s glasses will turn up in the microwave. Those with dementia are often convinced that they remember where they put something, and may accuse someone of moving or even stealing it.
4. Trouble with everyday tasks. Dementia can result in a person forgetting how to do familiar things. Can mom no longer make her famous lemon meringue pie? Is dad forgetting the rules to bridge? Keep an eye out for your loved one asking someone else to do favorite tasks for him or her.
5. Trouble with words. Dementia patients often cannot think of the correct word to use, even for basic objects like a pair of glasses or a watch. They may use a placeholder instead such as “thingy” or something even stranger such as calling the refrigerator the “cold closet.”
The only person who can really give you a definitive answer about whether your loved one has dementia is their doctor. Dementia patients suffer a range of symptoms, and only a trained professional can make sense of what your loved one is experiencing. So if you
suspect that dementia is the culprit behind new behaviors, talk to your parent about making an appointment together.
Dementias are degenerative disorders that develop primarily in the nervous system and selectively damage particular areas of the brain. Some dementias, like Alzheimer’s disease affect all areas of the brain simultaneously, while others, such as frontotemporal dementia, affect the parts of the brain involved in controlling one’s communications and emotions. Still others are caused by vascular disease, brain trauma, or chronic alcohol abuse (Korsakoff’s syndrome)
By 2030, 20% of U.S. population will be older than 65 years of age – about 50 million people. Dementia affects 1% to 6% of those older than 65, and between 10% and 20% of those older than 80 years of age. In the next 30 years, estimated 10-20 million seniors in U.S. will have mild to severe forms of dementia.
Seniors with history of moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) have a 2-3 times greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease – those with a severe TBI have a 4-5 times greater risk. Even healthy seniors are at risk for falls and head trauma, so any fall to the head, however minor, should be seen by a medical professional and documented.
Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 65% of all dementias. There is no direct diagnosis of Alzheimer’s – and while PET scans and other imaging techniques are being studied, none have yet been able to show the presence of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s onset often surprises families because vision, movement, and sensation remain untouched while a senior’s memories begin to slowly decrease. Recent memories are affected first, leading to “senior moments” that appear innocent because all other memories, including those from decades ago, remain intact. Eventually those remote memories begin to fade, and lastly the senior’s “crystallized” memories, such as family member’s names and faces, are compromised.
By David L. Raffle, PhD
Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist
/by Moti GamburdThere are creative and effective ways to help an aging parent, family member or loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia cope with the loss of their spouse, according to a new survey of aging experts released this week by the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM).
Remembering that there are different stages and types of dementia, making sure the surviving spouse does not become socially isolated and not rushing other major changes in their lives are among the top expert recommendations.
Americans are increasingly challenged by the need to communicate difficult information to aging family members with dementia. According to the National Institutes of Health as many as 5 million of the 43 million Americans age 65 and older may have Alzheimer’s disease and another 1.8 million people have some other form of dementia. And, according to the the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias will escalate rapidly in coming years as baby boomers age. By 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s disease may nearly triple, from 5 million to as many as 16 million, barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent, slow or stop the disease.
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. NAPGCM is releasing the results of its latest survey to help American families facing one of the most difficult of these challenges. NAPGCM polled 288 professional geriatric care managers in Los Angeles, CA and across the country asking them to identify the most effective strategies for helping a loved one with dementia cope with the loss of their spouse. The top six strategies identified by the aging experts are:
1. Remember there are many different stages of dementia. Your loved one’s capacity for understanding, coping and grieving can be very different depending on their stage of dementia. (Identified by 96% of survey respondents)
2. If your loved one’s response to reminiscing about their spouse is positive, share old photos and memories. (88 %)
3. Make sure the surviving spouse is not socially isolated. Schedule visitors on a regular basis and help them keep up with any normal social routines they have. (85%)
4. Reassure them there are people who care about them and will care for them. (84%)
5. Don’t rush big changes. It may make sense for them at some point to move to a facility, or closer to family. But, if possible, give them time to adapt so there aren’t too many major life changes at once. (81%)
6. If they choose to be included in mourning rituals for their spouse, make sure there is someone overseeing this so if the situation becomes too stressful they can leave. (78%)
“With the rising rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in our community, we often see families who face such challenging situations,” said Trina Duke, Gerontologist and Care Manager, Los Angeles, CA. “Our survey findings offer some sound expert advice for families.”
The Alzheimer’s Association is a leading resource for families seeking information on the diagnosis, treatment, and stages of the disease. Their website provides information on living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, tips for caregivers, and financial and legal planning. Go to Help is only a phone call away on their 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.
Local chapters provide educational programs, community support groups, and creative workshops for persons with dementia and their caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter assists people with Alzheimer’s and their families and educates the public about Alzheimer’s disease. The chapter offers a variety of diverse programs and services. It serves the diverse counties of Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, Kings, Mono and Tulare.
/by Moti Gamburd

- What to look for regarding a facility’s environment, safety, staffing, quality of care, and policies.
- A checklist of important details that can help you distinguish high-quality care homes from the rest.
- How to identify signs that a facility has serious underlying problems.
- Types of facilities that have dedicated staff and highly personalized care.
- Important considerations when evaluating the cost of memory care.

Raya’s Paradise is looking forward to being a Sponsor of the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” on Sunday, November 4th in the Park at 2000 Avenue of the Stars in Century City. Please join us in support of the fight to end this disease. We will have a booth set up and will offer coffee and pastries as early as 7:30. The opening ceremonies will begin at 8:30 a.m. Please stop by our booth to enter a drawing for a $100.00 Gift Card to “The Grove” (drawing to take place at 11:oo a.m.), and while you’re here you can add your loved one’s name to our “festival of balloons” which will be released at 11:30 a.m. Please join us in the Park !!
/by Moti GamburdRaya’s Paradise in conjunction with Care HomeCare is grateful to be a part of the Alzheimer’s Associations “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” this year. We are proud to be a Sponsor of this event in the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. This inspiring event calls on participants of all ages and abilities to reclaim the future of millions. Together, we can end Alzheimer’s disease, the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death.
You can come join us in support of your family, friends and coworkers. The following is information on how to sign up and when and where the walk will take place.
The 2012 Alzheimer’s Walk will take place on Sunday November 4th, 2012 at Century Park located at 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, Ca. Registration & Check-In will begin at 7:00 a.m.; Opening Ceremonies are at 8:30 a.m. and at 9:00 a.m., the Walk Kicks Off !
For more information Contact: Kim Sims 213.300.5280 or Julie Hansen at 310.487.7112. All of our Raya’s Paradise and Care HomeCare participants will receive our Logo T-Shirt, Logo Cap and Water Bottle. Please join us for a fun and memorable day!!
/by Moti GamburdSeveral blogs and news outlets, including the LA Times took interest in and covered our proposal for Sierra Bonita:
Follow the links below to read these articles at their sources:
Curbed LA: Senior Living Facility On Sierra Bonita Still Breathing
Curbed LA: No Mega Senior Living for Sierra Bonita
Melrose Village Blog: Mega Senior Living Facility Turned Down
Melrose Village Blog: Residents Concerned About Zoning Variance for Proposed Nursing Home
Melrose Village Blog: Proposed Facility on Sierra Bonita Draws Controversy
/by Moti GamburdCorporate Office / General Information
Raya’s Paradise, Inc.
1156 N Gardner St.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
Tel: (310) 289-8834
Fax: (323) 851-0375